
Empowering DevOps with AI-Powered Kubernetes Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot K8s Like a Pro, No Expert Knowledge Required

Real-Time Visibility

Receive instant notifications and context-rich alerts for all your Kubernetes events.
Monitoring Kubernetes notifications in chat platforms
ChatOps for Kubernetes

ChatOps Management

Act on events directly in the collaboration platform (including mobile apps) by sending commands to the configured Kubernetes clusters. Kubectl, helm, and other executors are supported. Some platforms support interactive command creation making it even easier for non-experts to work with Kubernetes.


Actions allow you to automatically run commands based on specific events and see the results in the event message. Gather logs and other details on errors, get descriptions of newly created resources, and even auto-rollback failed deployments and upgrades with simple configuration steps.
Automate K8s maintenance tasks
Collaboration with developer teams managing K8s


Monitoring and troubleshooting is done in an environment where you chat and collaborate throughout the day. You can work together with your team, see what actions have already been taken, and perform troubleshooting tasks from any location and device that supports the collaboration app.


Extend Botkube with plugins to add new sources and executors for any tools. Enable any tool for ChatOps and automation with easy-to-use APIs and Botkube as the engine.
Quickly connect multiple cloud native tools
Collaboration with developer teams managing K8s

Multi-cluster Management

Create and manage Botkube configurations for all of your Kubernetes clusters in one place. Set up platforms and plugins without complex YAML configuration and install Botkube in your cluster with a single command. Initial configuration and any future changes are automatically synchronized to the Botkube instance with no manual intervention necessary.

Event and Audit Logs

See a consolidated view of events and notifications received via Botkube for all of your clusters. You can also see an audit of all commands run via Botkube in the same filterable log. The log allows you to correlate actions and events to easily trace and troubleshoot issues.
Full traceable audit log of DevOps activity