
Leverage Your Team's Docs to Troubleshoot Kubernetes

Jul 1, 2024
Kelly Revenaugh
Developer Relations Lead

BYODocs - Integrate your team's custom documentation with Botkube Assistant for tailored troubleshooting

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Managing Kubernetes comes with unique challenges specific to each environment. DevOps Engineers constantly have to remember custom settings and procedures unique to their specific setups, keeping track of intricate details and specific operational practices to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Now, Botkube Assistant allows you to integrate your team or company's own documentation into the troubleshooting workflow. This new integration doesn't just add a personal touch; it dramatically enhances the troubleshooting process, ensuring that solutions are tailored to your team’s specific operational requirements. Botkube transforms generic assistance into tailored, actionable advice by tapping into your own reference docs, process guides, technical documents, runbooks, and on-call procedures — all searchable through natural language queries with Botkube Assistant.

Why Use Custom Documentation with Botkube Assistant

The integration of personalized documentation such as reference docs, process guides, technical documentation, runbooks, and on-call procedures allows Botkube to provide tailored assistance that works seamlessly with your organization's operational needs. By utilizing your own docs, you ensure that recommendations or guidance is grounded in the specific context and practices of your environment.

Pairing your team’s custom documentation with Botkube Assistant's AI features creates a powerful combination for troubleshooting errors in your environment. The AI's ability to analyze and understand the context provided by your documentation enhances its diagnostic accuracy and the relevance of its suggestions.

Botkube not only identifies issues more effectively but also now provides recommended solutions that are specifically suited to your operational framework. By leveraging the collective knowledge embedded in your custom documentation, Botkube Assistant can deliver insights and recommendations that reflect your team's best practices and unique workflows, thereby streamlining the troubleshooting process and facilitating quicker, more effective resolutions.

Security and Privacy in Documentation Access

We understand that the security and privacy of your documentation are paramount. Botkube ensures that your documents are stored securely and are accessible only within private chat environments such as Slack or Microsoft Teams. This setup not only safeguards your sensitive information but also allows your team to access and reference documentation in a secure, private communication channel — eliminating the risks associated with broader access.

Start Utilizing Your Custom Docs for Troubleshooting Today

Uploading your documents to the Botkube dashboard is a straightforward process. If you are not on a Teams plan, start a free 30 day trial today — no strings attached!

To begin leveraging your team’s documentation with Botkube, simply log into your Botkube dashboard, navigate to AI Assistant tab near the top, and start uploading your files. Its simple to upload any file format including PDF, Word, Markdown, or plain text.

We’ll soon offer direct integrations with key knowledge base platforms like Confluence, Stack Overflow for Teams, GitHub, and GitLab. These integrations will create an automatic synchronization of your documentation. Reach out to us if you’d like early access!

Botkube's integration of custom documentation is more than just an enhancement to your workflow—it's a  shift in how Kubernetes troubleshooting is approached, making it a personalized, secure, and highly effective tool for modern DevOps teams.